5 Ways to Get Your Blog Seen
To get good traction for your blog content, you need to spend at least 40% of your time on promotion. And your content must be good, otherwise all your efforts will fail.
Without a steady stream of traffic to your blog, there’s little opportunity to engage your audience and convert them to raving fans.
Here are 5 of the most effective ways to promote your blog and get it seen.
1. Social Media Posting and Shares
Be active on social media and actively share your post to relevant groups. After publishing your post, share it on your Facebook wall. Also, share it on relevant groups that talk about similar topics. On Twitter, for instance, you can schedule tweets of your recent post to tweet for at least five days. And remember to change the title each time you post so that your post can get more exposure.
2. Guest Posting
This is the best strategic way to promote your blog to the huge population online. You can guest post to get readers to come running to your blog.
Guest posting helps you market your blog, and it sends external links from those sites. The more links your site gets, the better placed it will be on different search engines.
The better your blog is placed on search engines, the more traffic you’ll get and this will ultimately market your blog to diverse people online.
3. Building an Email List
Who buys your products and eBooks? It’s people in your email list. These are people who comment and share your blog posts the most. The people in your email list trust you enough to take their time to want to promote your blog and tell others about it.
So, if you haven’t built an email list, start now. Building an email list is one of the best ways to market your blog, because most social shares you’ll ever get will come from email lists.
4. Commenting on Other Blogs
Commenting on highly authoritative blogs can get you a lot of traffic. Start by identifying the top blogs in your niche, then interact and comment on those blogs regularly. This will get the blogger and members of the community to notice you and visit your blog, generating more traffic for your blog. You may even get a link or invitation to guest post.
5. Add Your Blog to Bookmarking Sites
These sites can drive massive traffic to your blog in no time if your blog post goes on their platform. When you publish an awesome post, try to register with a few of these platforms (eg, StumbleUpon/Mix, Reddit and Digg) and share your posts in there to get bookmarking traffic.