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How to Help Your Child Improve His/Her Handwriting
Some child psychologists believe that the most appropriate age to teach a child good handwriting skills is between four and six. Introducing your children to good handwriting skills when they are at this age range will be beneficial for them since this is the time most of them are interested in more mature forms of “play”. If you want your child to have good handwriting, you should play an active role in helping to nurture their skills. When your kids practice handwriting skills, they also improve their mastery of language syntax and spellings.
How Parents Can Help Kids Improve Handwriting
There are a number of things you can do to help your child improve his/her handwriting. The first thing you can do is curb your family’s reliance on technology and gadgets. Switch off mobile phones and technological gadgets and compel your family to do some handwriting for about an hour. There are lots of activities that you can engage in, like writing letters to an old relative or simply writing down grocery lists, chore duties, etc. Playing board games like scrabble can help to improve your child’s vocabulary. When your child forms a word, ask him/her to form a sentence with it in return for an extra point. By doing this, your child will not only improve the motor skills required for legible handwriting, but also his/her critical thinking ability. The idea is never to make practicing handwriting feel like a chore. Children will be more engaged in the practice if it is fun.
Getting Down To Basics with Writing
You should be worried if your child cannot correctly copy his/her name by age six. The child might produce illegible writing and maybe leave out a letter or space them in such a way it would take some time for one to read back. Another thing you may notice is that your children have a negative attitude towards school work that has to be written by hand. When you notice this, try and find out what exactly it is the child hates about writing schoolwork by hand. Perhaps your child may be having a low self-esteem because the teacher calls him/her in front of the class for having a poor handwriting. Get in touch with the teacher and find out what you can do to improve your child’s handwriting.
The Essentials of Options – Getting to Point A
Children who have the perfect perception motor skills and coordination are bound to write well. Like in all things that require skill, learning how to improve handwriting takes time and practice. Check the way the child holds the pen and his/her posture while practicing handwriting skills. Also, check whether your child has one or his/her arms slouching and falling from the desk.