Is shared hosting security a myth?
Shared Hosting is the ideal option for small websites and enterprises, even if there are several web hosting solutions available to meet various business goals and requirements.
Simply because they have been misled by myths and misleading information they have read online or heard from someone; many firms forego shared hosting in favour of a far more expensive web hosting plan than is actually necessary.
You may have heard that shared hosting is less secure than other hosting options. Contrary to popular belief, shared hosting often comes with highly secure enterprise-class server resources. Shared hosting plans usually include server monitoring, intrusion detection and firewall. Additionally, website owners often benefit from network monitoring, protection against DDoS attacks, and other services that protect their websites. Everything is carefully monitored by the hosting company.
Shared hosting security is not a myth. In fact, there are ways to ensure the security of your shared hosting. Here is what you need to do-
1. Choose a reliable hosting provider
We advise comparing various hosting companies and examining the server-level security measures they implement. You may read consumer reviews online. For further information on your host’s security, you can also phone or chat with the customer care service. Most reputable hosts have developed strategies to counter the aforementioned dangers.
Make sure that they keep the environment of your website separate from others. This implies that the environments of and shouldn’t be able to interact.
2. Setup Directory Permissions Appropriately
It is up to the website owner to correctly set up rights when a shared host provider allows you access to a directory on the server. The website owner must correctly configure the directory permissions if a section of the site should only be accessible to users who have been authenticated. Any errors in user permissions could expose users, result in data theft, or even make the site a target for virus uploads.
3. Manage PHP execution
Anyone with access to upload and run scripts can hack the site and get elevated privileges. Restricted permissions should also be set for scripts (like Perl, shell scripts, PHP, etc.) and any special user scripts should be carefully monitored and rarely allowed to run. Since it is impossible for uploaded content such as PHP to run, tools that allow users to upload files must include filters that prevent known malicious scripts from running.
4. Get a security plugin installed
Regardless of whether you use shared hosting or a dedicated server, you must implement this security feature on your website. It will instantly set up a powerful firewall to prevent hackers from accessing private files on your website.
Every day, it will check your website to make sure no malware is present. The scanner will find any dangerous content that a hacker has added to your website and notify you right away. With the immediate malware removal tool, you can quickly fix it without causing any damage to your website.
As we close we hope you understand that shared hosting security is not a myth, but it can be done if you choose the right steps. If you follow the ones mentioned above, your basics will be intact and your hosting secure as well. So, that’s that for now. If you have any doubts, please share them in the comments section below.