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A Layman’s Guide To Pokemon Go You’ve probably been living on another planet or under a rock if you’ve not heard news about pokemon Go. However, if you are an owner of a smartphone, then there is a big possibility that you’ve either downloaded the game or you have attempted to do so. If you are not aware of pokemon Go, then its best you know that it’s a smartphone application that turns every person into a pokemon trainer. The game has garnered plenty of appeal and attention , even though its rules are hard to understand. The game is free for everyone who owns an iPhone or an android device. The game provides options to play as a single player or to play as multi players . It is based on GPS locations of real locations. To find pokemons, players must get out while playing on their smartphones. A key area of the game that you must fully understand is using Google maps. However, the game has only been availed in29 countries so it’s not available to everyone. Even though the game is not available to every individual in the globe, its already been downloaded 75 million times. It is not hard to understand how the game is played, provided you understand the specifics of the game from the beginning. The moment you boot the application on your smartphone, you’ll see three choices namely Squirtle, Charmander, and Bulbasaur. Choose any of the three options, then toss a pokeball at it and you’ll capture your first pokemon. Though, to enjoy the game to its full, players have to explore locations outside. Exploring outside location is must if you want to catch a pokemons. The avatar follows the GPS locations of your area, as you move. When your smartphone begins to vibrate, then it’s an indication that you are about to catch a pokemon.
Finding Ways To Keep Up With Apps
You are supposed to aim pokeball at the pokemon the moment you hear your phone vibrate. In order to be successful you are required to toss your pokeball directly towards the pokemon so as to catch it. Do many attempts if you are not successful initially. You are supposed to catch as many pokemons as possible so as to progress to higher levels.
Finding Ways To Keep Up With Apps
Pokemon Go popularity is down to the game being more than just a smartphone app. More than ever, this game is allowing people to visit their local areas. As people go out looking for pokemon to catch they socialize more. This is one of the main reason why it has been a major hit. From morning, lunch time, evening, and at night, the game is played all the time. You’ll get out of your comfort zone, if you are a lazy person once start playing this game. It is vital to know that the game is risky. This is because players have to go out looking for pokemons to catch with their eyes fixed on the phones. Numerous accidents have been reported because players were focusing on their phones while hunting for pokemons.