February 18, 2025


Epicurean computer & technology

Will Crypto-Based E-Commerce Destroy the Dinosaur-Style Banking Industry?

Banking, as we know it, has been around since the first currencies were minted-perhaps even before that, in some form or another. Currency, in particular coins, grew out of taxation. In the early days of ancient empires, annual taxation on one pig may have been reasonable, but as empires expanded, this type of payment became less desirable.

However, since the Covid situation, not only have we seemed to move to a “cashless” society, (as who wants to handle potentially “dirty money” in a shop), and with “contactless” credit card transaction levels now increased to £45, and now even tiny transactions accepted, such as a daily newspaper, or bottle of milk, get paid by card.

Did you know that there are over 5,000 crypto currencies in use already and of them Bitcoin features highly in that list? Bitcoin, in particular, has had a very volatile trading history since it was first created in 2009. This digital cryptocurrency has seen a lot of action in its fairly short life. Bitcoins initially traded for next to nothing. The first real price increase occurred in July 2010 when the valuation of a Bitcoin went from around $0.0008 to in the region of $10,000 or more, for a single coin. This currency has seen some major rallies and crashes since then. However, with the introduction of what are called “Stable” coins – those backed by the US Dollar, or even Gold, this crypto currency volatility can now be brought under control.

But before we explore this new form of Crypto-based E-Commerce, as a method of controlling and using our assets, including our “FIAT” currencies, let’s first look at how the Banks themselves have changed over the last 50 years or so.

Who remembers the good old Cheque Book? Before Bank Debit Cards came along, in 1987, cheques were the main way of transferring assets with others, in commercial transactions. Then with Bank Debit Cards, along with ATM’s, getting hold of one’s FIAT assets became a lot quicker, and for on-line commercial transactions.

The problem that has always been present with Banks, is most of us needed at least 2 personal bank accounts (a Current account, and a Savings account), and one for each business we owned. Also, trying to move money from your bank account “swiftly” to say a destination overseas, was anything like SWIFT!

The other issue was the cost. Not only did we have to pay a regular service charge on each Bank Account, we also had a hefty fee to pay on every transaction, and, of course, in very rare occasions we would not get any worthwhile interest, on money in our Current Account.

On top of all that, Overnight Trading, every night, using expert financial traders (or, latterly Artificial Intelligence (AI) Trading systems), all of OUR assets would be traded, and with the economies of scale, the Banks became a Major Earner on our assets – but not us! Have a look at the potential business to be made from “OVERNIGHT Trading”.

So, to summarise, not only do the Banks charge a hefty fee for storing, and moving our assets, by the use of clever Trading techniques, they also make hefty profits from trading our money on the Overnight circuit, for which we see no benefit.

The other point is – do you trust your Bank with all your assets?

How about what Bank of Scotland, who were THE Scotland National Bank, now owed by Lloyds Banking Group, have been recently labled, in a September press release that stated “Lloyds Bank Asset Frauds – The Most Serious Financial Scandal of Modern Times.”

Why not Google that web site, and then make your own mind up?

So, now let us take a look at how a Crypto-based E-Commerce system should operate, and how the advantages that the Banks enjoyed with OUR money, can become major profit centre for the Asset Holders – US!

On 10th October 2020, a major new Crypto-based E-Commerce company is being launched – FREEBAY.

Briefly, FreeBay, based in Switzerland, is a company incorporating its own Blockchain technology, with its own SAFE Crypto Coin ( Based on V999 technology ), and enables its members to transfer their FIAT assets into Gold Bullion, removing the need to involve any BANK.

V999: digital gold empowered by the blockchain; a digital token, backed by physical gold V999 Gold (V999) is a digital asset. Each token is backed by one tenth of a fine gram gold bar, stored in vaults. If you own V999, you own the underlying physical gold, held in custody. On top of that, FreeBay members can purchase packages that include powerful Automatic Intelligence-Based Trading Robots.

So now, you can not only achieve total independence from a standard BANK, but you can also trade, like the Banks, your digital Gold assets, in the form of V999 Crypto tokens, on the OVERNIGHT systems, only now you, the asset holder, get the rewards, not the Banks.

But there is even another great advantage in trading V999 Tokens. As you would be the Generic owner of the token, so, like the Banks, every time a V999 token is traded (i.e. sold), say, to purchase Bitcoin, or any other Crypto currency, a Transaction Fee is charged. Every time a transaction takes place, the generic owner of the V999 token gets a small percentage of that Fee.

Note, that once a Trade takes place, and a V999 Token is sold, in exchange for say Bitcoin, or any other Crypto coin, a small %age of that Transaction Fee is paid to the GENERIC OWNER of that token (i.e. YOU). Because Freebay’s objective is to make the V999 Token one of the most sought-after safe Crypto coins, even after your Token has been sold to another Trader, as you are still the Generic owner of the V999 Token, whenever that Token is traded by any other Trader, it is you – the Generic Owner of that Token that gets paid the Trading Commission.

This could not only create a great Passive Income for you, for life, but is Willable to your descendants – and not a conventional bank involved anywhere.

So, the more V999 Tokens you buy, and get into circulation, the bigger and better with your Residual Income – for not just your lifetime, but probably for your dependants – could become a reality.

Interested enough to find out more? Then click here.

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