Why More Project Managers Need to Get Their AWS Certification
If you’re reading this article, chances are great that you already know what AWS is. It stands for Amazon Web Services and the Amazon platform where companies do business through the internet. Learn more about it here.
Understanding how Amazon Web Services work is crucial in 2020 if you want to be successful as a project manager. If you’ve already been working in this field, now is the perfect time to learn more about how the entire process goes.
Who uses AWS?
Almost all great companies are using these services. The calculations say that more than one million companies are a part of this trend.
It’s not just because it’s popular, but AWS offers some amazing features and companies are happy to use their ideas. Some of the tech giants spend millions of dollars to use Amazon Web Services.
For example, the medium titan Netflix spends $19 million every month on it. Twitch spends $15 million, and LinkedIn is on $13 million. Facebook is a part of it too, spending some $11 million every month.
You must learn AWS if you want to be a part of it
If you want to be a part of these big companies and work as a project manager, you simply must learn how the entire system works. It’s not a big deal, but you still must spend some time in research and learning.
A more simple way to do it is by hiring someone to teach you. On the internet, you can find tons of courses that will tell you the basics, and then turn you into a pro. However, not every AWS training is the perfect option for you.
Before you click on some page, you must do your research. You need to know that the course you’re taking is going to teach you the things you need. If you get out of it without knowledge and ability to do better business, then you only wasted your time.
What a perfect course means?
Before applying for a particular course, you should mind a few things. Research what other people say about a particular training and see if it fits your needs. Here are some of the crucial things you should be looking for!
Useful knowledge
Before starting to learn, do your research on the training you’re choosing. Never opt for the one that makes people unsatisfied. Make sure you’re choosing the one that makes most people happy and satisfied with what they’ve got.
When you’re done with it, you need to have a working knowledge. The company that is going to hire you, or where you already work in, must see the benefits of this course. That’s why you should only hire those guys who rank excellent among their previous clients.
To see how they rank, you should be looking at the many available reviews online. If the training is out there for a longer time, you’ll certainly find more reviews. Those who have an excellent reputation and more positive reviews are the ones you should be looking for.
Consider only those who are ranking high, because they will provide the knowledge you’re looking for. See what people think about listening to a course of this type here: https://www.quora.com/Is-an-AWS-certification-worth-it.
Learning is essential, but having a certificate that you finished the course is also important. It’s crucial to find the training that will provide a written certificate for finishing the course. This is proof that will be shown as a part of your CV when you’re applying for a new job.
People who have AWS finished training certificates usually receive a much higher salary than those who haven’t. The reason for this is that having knowledge in this will up your abilities and skills when you’re doing your manager tasks. That’s why having an AWS certificate is so valuable.
Learning how to operate Amazon Web Services is an excellent way to up a level in the workplace. However, you should be sure that you’re applying for the right course.
Don’t forget to research which one’s best at the moment. See what people think, and make sure you follow the tips from above. Only when you find the best one, start learning and enjoy your promotion at work.